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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

The Next Big Giveaway is on Sunday at Jaybird Quilts!


I'm sure a lot of you probably know Julie because (aside from being one of the most friendly people on the planet) she's also a famous pattern designer.

Julie has volunteered to put up a post about Shelf this Sunday for us. We've made a ton of updates to the site since our first release and it would be great to get another round of users trying out the site. So if you all want to participate again, we'll be giving away more gift certificates! This time, we'll let you specify if you want a Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate... OR a gift certificate to your favorite clothing store. (Hopefully this will prompt non-quilters to give it a go too... So tell your friends and family!!)

All you need to do is head over to Julie's blog this Sunday, September 30, and then post a comment (after trying out the site) with any feedback you have. You can let us know what you like, what you dislike, if anything was confusing, etc.

Now, a little more about Julie.

Julie is the brains/creativity behind Jaybird Quilts, where she does a little bit of everything... she's made a slew of awesome patterns... she's just come out with a new book... and she posts kick-butt-tutorials with instructions that make quilting a cinch.

BTW, the Fat Quarter Shop and Pink Chalk both carry her entire line of patterns if you want to load up!

I've shown a few of my favorites below.

I met Julie at Quilt Market a few years back. My mom and I had just come out with our very first line, Botany... and being total newbies to the scene, we quickly latched onto Julie because of her contagiously friendly personality. And she showed us the ropes.

As it turned out, I lived about 10 minutes away from her. Which was a completely amazing coincidence, because at the time, I was living in the tiny town of Hatboro, PA. (If you google "HATBORO", you'll find that its the only Hatboro in the entire United States. Can you believe that? No one else in America felt like that was a good enough name for their town.)

Anyway, I was also new to the North... and so Julie continued showing me the ropes after we got back from Market... but this time, she was showing me around to the hippest quilt shops in the area.

So, with her being such a good friend over the years, she was the first person that I thought of for announcing my new project! Definitely check her out! She's a wonderful person to keep up with!

And make sure to check out her blog this Sunday to win gift certificates! And tell your friends!