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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

Filtering by Category: As Seen In

As Seen In...Part I

Carrie Jung

It's always a little exciting to see your work in print (especially when you didn't print it yourself ;) )

Ok, so we're a little late to the game for the photo above, but we wanted to mention that our "Taking Flight" quilt made it into the Spring edition of Quilts and More this past year. Yay! And we also feel like it's worth mentioning that this quilt almost didn't happen!!!

You know the saying "necessity is the mother of invention" well, that was very much the case with Taking Flight. The pattern was born about two years ago because we wanted to bring a quilt to Spring Market to pitch to magazines. There was just one small problem...our Flora line would not be printed on fabric in time for market.

At first, this minor detail seemed like a deal breaker, but not to be discouraged, my mom realized that we did have a few strikeoffs (or 5" x 4" sample fabric squares) that we could work with, and that may be just enough fabric to make an awesome quilt...which it totally did. And, as it happened...Quilts & More thought so too.

We were also pretty stoked to see that pattern designer, April Rosenthal, used our entire Flora line to show off her new bedspread pattern called Parcheesi.

April also has a blog post about the pattern (which I think is totally hilarious and definitely worth reading) sharing a little more about her inspiration, why she loves tiny squares, and why this quilt ended up with a name like Parcheesi. Awesome pattern, April! (and we humbly think the Flora line was a great choice for this quilt)

And while paroozing the books in Barnes and Noble the other day we were pleasantly surprised to find author Kathreen Ricketson used our Botany line to show off her Sunny Day Mat pattern. What a cool idea!

(More views of the book...and Lauren getting creative in her choice of poses. I'm sure her neighbors now think she's slightly crazy)

Pretty cool, huh? We'll be posting more examples in the near future, so stay tuned!