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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

Filtering by Category: Chantilly

Spell It With Fabric!

Carrie Jung

Welcome to our stop on the Spell It With Fabric Blog Hop!

We hope you’ve had fun making your way through the alphabet this week... I know we have! As you may have learned already, each stop on this blog hop will provide you with the patterns for 3 or 4 letters…along with some great designer trivia and the chance to win some pretty nice fabric.

For our prize, we're giving away a fat quarter bundle and a layer cake! :) (The layer cake is not shown in photos.) These fabrics are from our new line Chantilly! Yay! It's our best yet and we hope you like them as much as we do.

So, the reason we chunked in the layer cake is because we're planning ahead with our blog! We have a blog post already prepared for next week, along with.... a brand spanking new FREE downloadable pattern. Which is super cool! (See the sneak preview below... it's a circle quilt. We noticed these are all the rage on Pinterest lately.) And the circle quilt uses one layer cake (plus border). So if you win it... you can save it for this nifty little project!

So, without further ado, we’re the JUNG's! Although according to San Francisco's Redwood campground, we're the GUNG's. :) See me and my sister below posing at camping spot #44! (On a side note, our last name is pronounced "young". Not "jung"... Which really sounds as funny as "gung"...

When we first got this J-Letter-Project, we were pretty excited. Being from the south, it’s common procedure to slap your initials on pretty much everything…

your purse, your luggage, your make up bag, beer coozies, sandals, babies... you name it. We prefer to call it a monogram, but no matter what name you give it, this blog hop was right up our alley.

You can find the basic pattern for the J block here. But my mom, JESSI, took this project one step further. By adding two 1” sashing strips and a 3.5” border, our “monogram” now makes for a very lovely 20" square pillow.

And now for the questions:

Favorite Quilt Block?

JACOB's Ladder

My favorite movie starting with J:

JERRY Maguire…quilting completes me! (That's what my mom said... I prefer JUNO... and I think JOE Dirt is hilarious.)

I love quilting:

For the mere JOY of it. After sewing my first quilt, I was hooked! Soon after, I remember describing the next quilt that I was planning, to my grandmother. She looked confused and asked, "Didn't you already make a quilt?" Any quilt maker will know why that's so funny!

Is there an object, tool, or anything that you cannot work without:

A JEANS machine needle. I hate mending and hemming anyway, but it’s a must when you’re only 5’2” and in need of new pants.

Do you have a quote or motto that you live (or work) by:

The JOURNEY is the reward. ...And then my grandfather's favorite quote is "If you hang around JUNK... you become JUNK." (No one liked my first college boyfriend, so I heard that quote a lot.)

HOW TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY... First, leave a comment on our blog. And then... if you want a SECOND entry, follow my Mom, on Pinterest. She's totally obsessed with it and she loves getting new followers! :) You can find her profile here...

If you do the second (Pinterest) entry... just leave a second comment so that I count you in the giveaway twice!

Our giveaway winners will be announced on Friday, February 28th. Until then, happy sewing! And happy spelling!

So that wraps things up. You can find the entire blog hop schedule here, but make sure you stop by Kansas Troubles, Laundry Basket Quilts, and Lily Ashbury today as well.

We're also on Facebook!

Sorry Gang...


Hi everyone, there's been a slight mix-up regarding our stop on the bloghop! Sorry sorry sorry!!! But we're not a real stop this time.

We're coming out with a book in the next few months, and have just gotten super behind with our blog... and fabric design... and life in general. :) But that's not really you all's problem... Anyway, I know that a number of you have tried to submit comments on our last Blog Hop stop (the one that went up a few months ago), so I just wanted to put up a quick post directing you to the other ladies on today's hop : Kate Spain & Me and My Sister! Both super awesome posts!

And just because we're out of the loop this time, rest assured, we'll be in the next hop with extra stuff to make up for this little mix-up! Our next line, Chantilly, will be just hitting the stores, so it will be good timing!! (Teeny tiny preview below.)