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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

Introducing Bumble Berries!

Carrie Jung

Have you heard the news? We’ve released a new fabric line with Moda and it’s coming soon to a quilt store near you!

We went back to our roots for inspiration this time…memories of childhood spent growing up around small family farms in eastern Pennsylvania. 

For this line we channeled those summers spent berry picking and being chased by the bumblebees that always seemed to be hanging around nearby.


We played with feed sack style when designing this line. And while our old faithful berry reds and sunny yellows can be found throughout, we also experimented with some grey tones too. 

We’ve had our designer’s sample yardage for a little while now and have been very busy quilting and sewing. I’m whipping up a new tote bag that I hope to share with you next week (including instructions!). And my Mom (Jessi!) has barely left her sewing machine since the Fall. And we have a few new patterns to show for all of that work. 

We released 3 patterns with this line that we hope you love as much as we do!

Swarm, Strawberry Field, and Wild Flowers, were all inspired by themes in this fabric line.

Can you even with those bees!

Let us know when Bumble Berries hits your local quilt store shelves! And what you plan to make with it. 

Happy quilting!