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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

Birds & Berries Quilt

Carrie Jung

Have you downloaded our Birds & Berries
pattern yet? If not, I highly recommend that you do, for a variety of reasons. First off, it's free!

Directions can be downloaded on our website, or you can link directly to the download here. But more importantly, this wallhanging pattern is easy and quick to make, and's pretty darn cute too. I know, I'm slightly biased, but I really do think this one's a winner and it deserves a spot in your future projects list.

We love pre cuts here at Lauren + Jessi Jung Designs, and this pattern was designed with that in mind, so it's great for kitting! The whole quilt requires only 2 charm packs, which covers you for all of the birds & berries, and the border pieces too. You just need a little extra for the binding, background, and backing.

There are a couple of things to note about the quilt that we think add a little something extra to the finished product. One of them is the 3D leaves atop each of the berry bunches (not to worry, these are also easy to make). We think they add a nice level of texture to this wall hanging.

And did you notice that the birds and berries almost seem to pop off the background? We really wanted the colors and patterns to take center stage in this wall hanging, so we quilted it with a tight stipple pattern, leaving the birds and berries unquilted. The end result is a sort of faux trapunto effect...just without the extra hassle.

And so, that concludes my sales pitch for our free pattern. We hope you enjoy making it as much as we did!

Oh...and if you're a quilt store owner whose interested in kitting this pattern, or you'd just like to have a few copies for a giveaway in your store, drop us a line! We'd be happy to send some of the spiffy 11" x 17" glossy printouts your way!