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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

Birds & Berries


As with most things, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And that has been the fate of my "I'm going to start blogging" declaration that I made a few months back.

We just got our strikeoffs in the mail for our NEXT fabric line, and I still have yet to put up a post about our current line, Birds & Berries. I've mentioned it in some of my other posts, but as many of you know... I'm long winded and I like to have at least one post that goes over our inspiration... and the little hidden secrets that reside within the prints. So I'm doing that now.

(I actually have a whole list of posts that have never seen the light of day. Carrie's wedding being one of them. Her wedding came and went, and as usual, I was not on the ball... and when I was finally ready to put it up... she'd been married 6 months. So I vowed to do it on her 1st wedding anniversary. And then her 2nd anniversary. The 3rd time is typically the charm though, and I'm dead serious when I say, on her 3rd anniversary, her wedding post will go live.)

The Birds & Berries line originally started out as the Birds & the Bees. Then I googled that name and was surprised to find that it is still a somewhat risqué term alluding to grownup activities. Then Tula Pink actually came out with a line called the Birds & the Bees that very same Market. So we were glad that we went with our backup name. (She's a little edgier than us and pulled the name off nicely. :) So kudos to her for being cool!)

Anyway... we have three (sorta four) colorways. Blue, Berry, Green (with a little Yellow). See below.

As we usually do, we went with a garden/nature theme. This one has some slight ethnic influences though. Which was fun. I'm dating an Indian guy who I'm crazy about... and when we first started dating he brought me back some clothes from his trip to India. The fabrics were incredible. And so some of those served as inspiration for our newest line.

The main print has 10 different species of birds in it! Which is impressive, if I do say so myself. There are also snails, bees, inch worms, and spider webs... plus a variety of berries and flowers. The whole thing took FOREVER to draw... AND it was the very last print to be added to this series. I was working on it right up until the deadline (as usual)... and when I finally got to it, Hurricane Irene hit (last year), and our power went out, and I was forced to work on it in my car with my computer plugged into the cigarette lighter. Not a fun time.

Here's our Blue Colorway.

And the Berry Colorway.

And the Green (with a little bit of Yellow) Colorway.

And that covers most of the high points. If anyone uses this line to make something super cool, please send me pictures!! We love to blog about that kinda stuff!