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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

A New Year And A New Year's Resolution

Carrie Jung

Hello blogosphere! Long time no see.

Ahh yes, after scrolling through our last year of posts, I’ll be the first to admit we did a lackluster job of keeping the site updated. But as 2015 rolls in, we’ve resolved to change that.

2014 brought a lot of change to our family, which, not to make too many excuses, was partly to blame for our media absence. From my (Carrie’s) divorce, to the loss of our dear Westie, Rudy, a mystery illness, a very happy engagement (congrats, Lauren!), and two cross country moves, its been a proverbial rollercoaster here.

But as the new year rolls in, things are finally beginning to settle down for us, which means we're back to business.

So, what have we been up to in the new year? Well, in the last four days, I’ve been busy bag making. For this bag, necessity was the mother of invention. As a radio reporter, I tend to carry a lot of recording gear with me from day to day. So, rather than continuing to search through my purse Mary Poppins style, I decided to make a messenger bag. Right now, the pattern is still very much under construction. There’s been a lot of trial, and even more error, but as the pieces come together, I’m getting excited about the finished product. If nothing else, the activity gave me a great excuse to rifle through my piles of pretty fabric ☺.

More projects and updates to come soon!