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L + J Blog

quilt, create, inspire

Adventures in bag making

Carrie Jung

While this post is about a week overdue, I'm excited to finally share the photos of my new messenger bag…aka radio reporter gear bag. 

I finished it a few weeks ago and would like to think that I've been the envy of everyone at work. 

There are a few fun details I'd like to point out as well. The front pockets are pleated…which was an awesome technique I learned from another pattern. And rather than traditional buckles or buttons, I used overall fasteners as closures. 

As far as fabric goes, I chose a tone on tone print from our Chantilly line for the exterior, but decided to have a little more fun with the lining!


I like to think of it as the messenger bag equivalent of a mullet…business on the outside party on the inside.

So that's my show-and-tell…now it's your turn! What projects have you been working on with our fabric?